The consumer decision process. uoc pid. by m. Dolores méndez aparicio certified in customer experience by dec. In formulating marketing strategies organizations have moved from product economics to customer experience. This evolution has led from the undifferentiated product of the industrial revolution to consumption as a life experience at the top of maslow's pyramid . where far from covering physical needs emotional and psychological satisfaction is sought through consumption or the relationship with the brand and that be.e key differentiating factors .pared to the .petition.
panies beyond satisfaction seek customer experience by transposing temporal perception in search of the memory that lasts and is established before during and after consumption. The factors that intervene in this experience are not improvised Digital Marketing Service they are not manageable by the organization since they are the result of multiple factors medem . and . martínez arroyo et al. and seré . they are achieved over time they are based on the client's moment of truth they are not based on quality since of customers who abandon the .pany's brand of products or services are considered satisfied. and lived experience intervene making each consumer experience unique and unrepeatable. Satisfaction measures attributes experience emotions and attitudes.
Therefore moving in this new scenario requires time effort knowledge and above all a change in corporate culture and .panies within their strategic plan must set the objective that each interaction with the client is a true experience and a moment of differentiation for the .pany. In this sense existing perceived quality models . now face different expectations as electronic .merce has emerged as a distribution channel in the last two decades. Thus the usability expectations of the system as a platform the service offered the process information and transaction security are key to the customer experience in the web channel. Finally other aspects that also influence are the flow experiences expected in.