I would risk to state that this reading calls at least for two others The bottom billion Paul Collier and the Other side of Innovation Govindarajan Trimble . An even and equal world at the top as defined by most academics is not even imaginable. At the middle based on top OCDE countries or Liechtenstein or Luxembourg is not truly possible. It is reasonable to admit that the conversion of poverty into a better quality of life and living conditions is something insolvable.
According to some studies world s population is heading to billion by this is just the next door neighbor reality. So statistics may easily prove that based on per capta GNP we all may be richer or poorer. Take China for instance with some spectacular changes China has made second post on world s Chinese Overseas America Number Data economy rank. Nevertheless what this means for billion Chinese out of it is nearly billion people Let us try to figure out a new Singapore. Same for any BRICS. What about the entropy rules What the discussion seems to miss is the need for idiosyncratic changes to start with human behavior towards consume rism which is by far the most complicated element of the set of changes needed.
A For the corporate side the constant growth management quarterly it s been a while at any social cost is a killing machine of nature tradition and myths. There s nothing na ve on the work. But yes it omits some truths that do not belong to economic analysis. The only possible equality is that based on non material growth and evolution but this is also difficult to be accepted. Piketty Goldhammer go to Malthus Ricardo and others I picked up this one in particular related to Condorcet page ... despite being quite radical for the time.